
View of the Bocconi B-School

Bocconi B-school in Milan

Milan has a gritty density about it that I love.  The grain of the City mixes old and new. It doesn’t try to be Florence or Rome – it is about business.  Tourists even seem to fade into the background and are less irritating that usual (ie fewer tour groups). I made the trip out […]

Design Driven Innovation

I met Roberto Verganti at the Redesigning Business conference in London back in March.   He graciously agreed to meet with me when I was visiting Milan a couple of weeks ago.  Roberto is a Professor of Management of Innovation at Politecnico di Milano, where he teaches at the School of Management, at the School of […]

Sustainable Futures at the London Design Museum

Cities, Energy and Economics, Food, Materiality and Creative Citizens.  These are the 5 themes that organize the SUSTAINABLE FUTURES exhibit at the London Design Museum running March 31 -September 5. Again it is great to have a destination.  This time I had the experience of walking over the Tower Bridge. into a narrow lane that […]

The Design Council — Canada needs one!

Design Vancouver and then Design BC were a part of the Vancouver design scene 20 years ago.  I also remember going to a meeting at Montebello, Quebec — invited along with designers from across Canada to talk about a national design initiative.  I am probably woefully out-of-date in terms of what is happening on this […]

Educating leaders at b-schools: rethink, rebalance, refresh

One of the benefits of being in London is easy access to all the great newspapers — what a range from The Times to the Guardian to the European edition of the Wall Street Journal — and, of course, the Financial Times with its distinctive salmon colour. Yesterday, there was a bonus in the FT. […]

Oxford Workshop 2 — service and business modelling

Oxford Workshop 2 — service and business modelling

As part of the Oxford SAID MBA Design Leadership course led by Lucy Kimbell,  the second Collaborative Workshop was held on May 5th with the London College of Communications design students.  The first workshop (blogged on April 26.10) saw the design and MBA students working on a base for a post-operative remote monitoring sensory device. […]

Trading Places…inclusive design challenge

Trading Places is the name of an exhibition that is at the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Sackler Centre for Arts Education from 19 April to 16 May, 2010.   Nick Leon, from Design London, was kind enough to take me along to the exhibit when I met with him.  He introduced me to Julia […]

Nick Leon -- Director of Design London

Design London at Imperial College London

Robert O'Toole -- innovator extraordinaire

The CAPITAL Centre…Creativity and Performance in Teaching and Learning…

Shakespeare and chemistry?  Why not they say at the CAPITAL Centre at the University of Warwick in Coventry.    CAPITAL is one of the Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) funded by the British Higher Education Funding Council (HEFC) ( The  CETLs have two main objectives — reward the best possible teaching practice and […]

Team of 1 designer and 2 MBAs

Oxford SAID Prototyping Workshop — Part 1

The SAID Business School at Oxford has prime real estate – right across from the Oxford Train Station. The School is young (started in 1996) and therefore so is the building —  with more security than Sauder for sure. It is interesting to reflect on the “first time” experience of each business school (note to […]