The era of “digital habitats”
Countless groups of every imaginable flavour, size and shape interact on-line every day and use plethora of different technologies and tools. Yes, we are officially living in the era of “digital habitats”. And as this is a short inside on how I got to learn more about them, do not be surprised by a large […] week 11: working towards the storyboard
It’s hard to believe that we have only two more sessions of the This week we heard from our AMS/Pulse Energy group. They are working with the company Pulse Energy — a young firm that is making great inroads into the area of energy management in buildings. Our question is: how do we […] week 10: from diverge to converge
There is a magical and sometimes difficult to ascertain point in any design process when you have to move from “let’s have some more ideas” to “let’s decide which ideas get to stay”. Or as Ron said yesterday, this is the time to move from diverge to converge. It is a tough time in the […] week 9: mapping the processes
As we proceed through the term in the, I continue to think about the added value of design thinking to business. One of the recurring themes is how visual design thinking techniques can be. Or at least how I think about pretty well everything in visual terms. Even if I am working in words, […] Week 8: reflections and lift-off
In some ways this feels like the start of the real studio. Probably because I am used to a format that has students working each studio day in studio mode — working in groups or individually on their projects. We began last Wednesday’s class with some reflections. The students had completed an “early term feedback” […] week 7: launching 4 real-world projects
The rehearsal is over. It is show-time. The studio this week was buzzing with anticipation: the clients were coming. In the days previous to the Wednesday studio, students were requested to review short summaries of projects from a variety of sponsors or clients from a range of sectors from financial services to energy to health. […]
The students speak…Part 2
And here are some more quotes from d-studio student blogs… Emma: I was so glad that Elsie and I were first. We love talking and we work together like we are one person so the presentation aspect of the assignment was probably the easiest for us. It was awesome that we finished on time as […]
d-studio week 6: the students speak part 1…
We invited several guest critics to view the projects that the students prepared — a new or revised business model pitch and a headline/press release. The critics were: Ronna Chisholm: Business Direction, Dossier Creative; Don Chisholm: Creative Direction, Dossier Creative; Kara Pecknold: Olive Life Group; Professor Darren Dahl: Marketing, UBC Sauder School of Business; Professor […]
d-studio week 5: trying out the design thinker
So much fun to see people engaged in learning. This time it was the undergraduate commerce students’ turn to try out the design thinker simulation. In case this is your first time on this blog Design Thinker:Experience Innovation is a 3.5 hour workshop which is the product of a collaboration between Experience Point (HQ in […]
d-studio week 4: integration in action
Integration and collaboration are indeed possible to learn in an environment where students are encouraged to connect the dots amongst the various disciplines and pieces of information and insight that they accumulate over terms and years. But we seem to have trouble setting up these types of environments for our students. There are always demands […]