Ideas – where do they come from? [mini assignment 1B]
When talking about modern “Eureka” moments, turns out that theyre not typically experienced in the bathtub or while sitting under the apple tree, these days they happen a lot in coffee shops or bars over a conversation perhaps. Its interesting to compare how and where ideas surface has changed with the progression of time. Back […]
Charles Leadbeater on Innovation
Charles talks about how innovation is a creative collaboration, that it occurs because of the users and consumers rather than the professionals in business. He states that passionate amateurs using new tools and with a desire for success create new products that professional companies can’t. It’s interesting to think of the role users and consumers […]
Reflection 5 – How Far We’ve Come
Are we done already? Feels like we’ve just begun. Being a part of the Design Studio has been a great opportunity so far and I definitely feel as though I’ve got the tools to continue improving. The design thinking process is a way to solve problems in a creative way and as a student I […]
TED Talks Blog: How Great Leaders Inspire
The golden circle, a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership. The circle begins with why we do what we do and progresses to the how and what. The most memorable thing may be the quote “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” It’s definitely and interesting topic that is […]
Final Reflection
Reflecting on the course, the first word that comes to mind is “fun”. I enjoyed coming to class, writing on the white boards, participating in discussions, and learning about different design techniques. I met some interesting people, I challenged myself with some of the exercises, and I solidified some of the personal values that are […]
Reflection #1: Thinking What?
Thinking about thinking is an interesting thought. How do we think about thinking? The movie Inception has some out-of-the-box concepts about thinking and the layers of thought that are applied to a situation. The Design Studio has another alternative for thinking strategies. This week the class was introduced to two types of thinking; 1) divergent […]
Lets Humanize data!!
Everybody hates data, especially the one in form of numbers. Nobody seems to know why. It is one of those things that most people spend their time not pondering about. But that’s allowed, if you dislike it then why spend time thinking about it. Here is the weird thing – I love my numbers and […]
Mini-Assignment 2B: Design and Business Integration; A Students Perspective
As a student, I am in this constant process of learning, growing, evaluating and changing. After reflecting on the last three months in the design studio, I found that there were some key macroscopic takeaways that have changed the way I approach business problems as a whole. First of all the design process is collaborative. […]
Mini-Assignment 2A: Kraft and Design Thinking
This year I had opportunity to attend a day long recruitment event at Kraft in Toronto. One of the presenters was from the product innovation department. She had an MBA and led a team devoted to finding insights for new Kraft products. She was passionate about her projects, her team and the opportunity she had […]
Mini-Assignment 1B: Why is Vulnerability Important to the Design Process?
Brene Brown is a qualitative researcher with her Ph.d in social work and has spent the last decade studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity and shame. In her twenty-minute Ted Talk, Brown tells about a discovery she made that has changed both her professional and personal life. Through the research process, Brown discovered the link between keeping […]