Reflection #4: Teamwork- building trust
Working in a team is like a box of chocolates- you never know who you’re going to get, but each one is filled with goodness inside. My team- Team Van Houtte- is full of exceptional individuals. I’m pretty sure that each of us could probably do this project alone, but it would not be the […]
Reflection 4: On Teamwork
When finding a common thread between my past four years here at UBC, teamwork is certainly at the top of the list. In almost every aspect of my university career, there is teamwork involved in one way or another. Team projects in courses, working on a team as part of a club, teamwork in my […]
TeamWork: Learning from Other People’s Experiences
According to John Maxwell, an expert on leadership and teamwork, he states,”the truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement.” As a Sauder student, this statement has been proven true in a variety of circumstances. In Sauder, it is more normal to have an assignment with a team than individually. According to […]
Reflection 4: life is all about teams
Teams are everywhere, and teamwork is experienced many times in one’s life. This experience then permits to differentiate between actual teams and working groups. I have been part of several teams, but I think I have really discovered teamwork at school during my exchange in Vancouver. Indeed, after almost one term spent at UBC, I […]
Reflection 4: Putting the Team in Teamwork
We can all agree that being a student at the Sauder School of Business is a challenging role to play. You’re expected to perform at a consistently high academic level, while participating in extra-curricular activities and grooming your resume for the inevitable post-graduation job hunt. For the most part, each student expected this when they […]
Reflection 4: Teamwork experience thus far
With only a few weeks left until graduation, I find that most of my time is spent working on projects, meeting with teams and preparing for a number of presentations. Even when given the chance to write a paper or blog, the topic of teamwork seems to find it’s way into my work (just wrote […]
Reflection 4: Teamwork
Teams are imperative to human survival. It’s probably the reason we’ve gotten this far as a race right? Teams come into play in almost every aspect of life. Katzenbach and Smith make a strong distinction between “groups” and “teams.” I think the authors’ description of what constitutes a team rings true in so many aspects […]
Reflection 4: On Teamwork
Teams have always been a part of my life. I grew up playing team sports, coaching team sports, acting (which requires a certain amount of teamwork), and doing school projects. Four years ago I became a university student. Guess what? More teams. Five classes per term, usually two to three classes had important team projects. […]