How Do I Think?!
I remember when I was in grade 8 in my English enriched classes with Mr. Gellard and at the beginning of class he always required us to free-write for 15 minutes. Free-write?!!! I was confused and intimated by this concept that had the vague connotation of being able to write freely and in school (without […]
Reflection 1: Thinking about Thinking
I think on my way to school. I think in the shower. I think before I go to bed. I am currently thinking as I jot down these realizations that have come to me after having given some thought to my thinking process. I have never given much thought to the way I think before. […]
Reflection 1 – Every Day I’m…Designing! (Ref: LMFAO Party Rock Anthem)
Upon reading the excerpts of Lockwood, Pink & Martin, I confirmed that much of my thinking process is design based. I initially chose Commerce, specifically marketing, as my degree because I believed that my creative mind/alternative thinking process could generate new and innovative ideas in a typically structured industry. I am continually observing and am […]