Reflection | Five
Hey guys, Throughout the year, I always looked forward to a good three hours on every Wednesday of creativity, group work, and learning at the Sauder D. Studio. In retrospect, the journey through this course was absolutely amazing. The course allowed us to explore through 95% hands-on work. I would recommend this class to anyone […]
2012 Business weapon of choice: Design Thinking
Design thinking is a growing trend in the business world. I feel that this topic is ready to be incorporated into Comm101, as design thinking skills can essentially be transferred into every subject. Design thinking is not something for students to simply learn and regurgitate – it changes the way a student learns altogether. […]
Design your life!
Ted Talks Nigel Marsh: How to make work life balance work. Just before we venture into the real world in search for our dream jobs and embark on a journey of the “working life” I want to contribute a few tips on balancing work and life. It is imperative that you set guidelines […]
Paper can speak!
Ted Talks Kelli Anderson: Design to challenge reality Filmed 2011 Posted 2012 This video is a speech made by Kelli Anderson about her experience, work, and goals as a modern designer. She believes that people often confine the regular but do not explore other possibilities. She believes that the world is full of order, logic, and […]
Mini-Assignment 1A: Dance Instead of PowerPoint? The Joys Of Alternative Prototyping
There are many ways to communicate complex ideas. Words, pictures, books, thesis’, video; just to name a few. Arguably, the most common form is verbal presentations with power point accompaniment. According to John Bohannon, scientist and writer with a Ph.d in biology, he states that the biggest threat to the global economy are the millions […]
Reflection #5: The Journey of Exploration
Every time the end of semester arrives, I am amazed at 1) how quickly the time went 2) how much was packed into three short months. As I’ve reflected on the Design Studio course, the projects we did, the new concepts I’ve learned and the people I’ve met, I am amazed at the seemingly slow, […]
Mini-Assignment 2: TED Talk Part B
For Part B of my TED Talk mini-assignment, I watched a Talk by women named Ayah Bdeir. Ayah is an engineer and artist, and is the founder and creator of littleBits. Ayah’s Talk is about imagination and design andthe idea of putting the power of engineers into the hands of artists and designers. Ayah opened […]
Mini-Assignment 2: TED Talk Part A
For part A of my TED Talk mini-assignment, I chose to watch a Talk by Peter Diamandis called “Abundance is our future”. Peter is the founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation which is a nonprofit organization whose mission is simply “to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. The start of Peter’s TED Talk is […]
Reflection 5: A story of my d.Studio journey
A story of my d.Studio journey April 2011…. When I heard about this new course called “d.Studio” from a few of my friends at Sauder in the spring of last year, I wasn’t sure exactly it was and how it would add value to my degree and I did not really understand the concept. However […]
TED Talk: Seth Godin: Sliced Bread and Other Marketing Delights
TED Talk: Seth Godin-Sliced Bread and Other Marketing Delights (VIDEO) Marketing guru Seth Godin tackles how to make your product stand out in one of his most famous Ted talks. Based on his book The Purple Cow, Godin delves into what makes a product extraordinarily successful and why even those products who appear useful or appealing […]