Launch of UBC Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs

Back to school!

And at UBC, we are launching our new Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs.  The world is in the midst of major and rapid transformation: dramatic technological change, instability in the system of globalization, dramatic rise of emerging powers and rebalancing of power, increased presence of systemic risk, climate crisis and urgent sustainability challenges. What is required is policy education with particular focus on global-domestic interactions, multi-sectoral interactions, sustainability issues and cross-Pacific functional capacity as well as a “learning-by-doing” environment that increases graduates readiness to enter employment productively from the standpoint of both the employer and employee.

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Relevance to the is that we are experimenting with a Policy Studio — taking the strategic design method and applying it to policy.  There is a Global Public Policy project in Year 2 of the program which will be somewhat studio based.  There will be two strategic design workshops and an attempt at embedding the strategic design process into the way students tackle their real-world client policy projects.

Stay tuned!

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