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the journey is the reward + a simple solution

the journey is the reward + a simple solution

Just finished listening to the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.  My first experience with  What a revelation for me as to how I retain information.  By listening to the book I caught every word and seemed to remember stories and ideas and concepts much more than I do when I read a book. […]

A visit to MindLab: the essence of innovation

A visit to MindLab: the essence of innovation

I was lucky enough to spend 90 minutes visiting Christian Bason, Director of Innovation, at MindLab on a frosty day in Copenhagen last week. Through the Sauder, Professor Moura Quayle and I have been invited to help shape a proposal for a new social innovation “change lab” in British Columbia with the B.C. Advisory Council […] week 7:  perceptual blocks to creativity week 7: perceptual blocks to creativity

What stands between us and our creative selves?  This week we reviewed some perceptual blocks from one of my all-time favourite books by James Adams:  Conceptual Blockbusting.  Used some of the exercises as a studio warm-up.  Blocks discussed were: Stereotyping – Seeing What you Expect to See…e.g. think of how we used to relate hair-length […]

Reflection 3: The Design Cycle Deconstructed

Reflection 3: The Design Cycle Deconstructed

When people hear that I am in D-Studio, they often ask, “What does that entail?” “What is design thinking?” And in all honesty, I am continually finding new elements to add to my response each week. From the process we experienced in class with regards to the upcoming Sauder re-opening, my group and I added […]

Reflection 3: Design thinking, where are we now?

Through this last project we have had a great opportunity to go through the design process while creating ideas for ways to portray the Design Studio during the Sauder Open House. I think we really made use of the “Ask. Try. Do.” method to help generate ideas and create an open house that would work […]

Reflection 3: Idea Generation

The most recent design process that we went through as a class focused on finding a solution to solve how the class would decorate the Design Studio Room and entertain visitors for the Sauder School of Business Open House. Our team began with idea generation. It took a few minutes for the team to start […]

Reflection 3: designing my design process

Two weeks ago we got to work in class by groups to come up with some ideas or what our class could do for Sauder Open House on March 1st. We had only two hours and some constraints, so we had to be fast and efficient. We began with observation of the situation: the shape […]

Reflection 3 – Design: It’s about finding the middle ground…when no ground is in sight.

This week our readings were ” The Structure of Reflection-in-Action” by Donald Schön and “Innovation as a Learning Process” by Sara L. Beckman. Though both articles were interesting, I believe Beckman provided more depth to her ideas. Amongst her innovative approach, I think that she made her point most accurately when she said “innovation means […]

Reflection 3: The Innovation Process

Our class devoted to designing ideas for Sauder’s open house on March 1st proved to be another engaging experience. During the beginning of our design process, our group struggled to agree on a number of ideas.  This was mostly due to the fact that our group was highly focused on being creative and captivating with […]

Reflection 3: Brainstorm -Criticize- Prototype -Criticize- Presentation -Criticize- Feedback (Criticism)

Lego and Playdo in a fourth year commerce, WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!? Last week the studio started with a flashback to the good old days of when responsibility consisted of nagging your mother when you were hungry (and obviously asking nicely for a grilled cheese sandwich). Being early to the studio I was able to […]