Copenhagen Business School…not business as usual

Four days in Copenhagen and in love with the City.  Haven’t seen so many bicycles and pedestrians in a long time.

We are living close to the water on the eastern side of the City.  It takes 35 minutes from “home” to CBS.  We  walk to the closest train station (11 min), take the train one stop and switch to the Metro (comes every minute or so) and then walk again to our offices at Porcelænshaven.  Contemplating buying second hand bicycles — or renting them by the day.  We’ll see.

I am housed at the CBS Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (cbsCSR) and Dave is at the Centre for Corporate Governance — just across the courtyard.


My first impressions are very positive — I get the sense of a business school with energy and passion.

They even have white boards in the cafe!  I am imagining them in the Henry Angus foyer space!


And this is the entry experience to the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Tomorrow night I am attending an event sponsored by cbsCSR called Business as usual is no longer possible.  Will report on it next.





One response to “Copenhagen Business School…not business as usual”

  1. Martina

    I absolutely love the idea of the white boards in the cafe, we should have them at Sauder!

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