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Is data the new (s)oil?

Is data the new (s)oil?

By Martina Valkovicova We borrowed (and adjusted a little) the headline from a highly amusing and interesting TED Talks video: The beauty of data visualization by David McCandless. The world nowadays is powered, overwhelmed and saturated with information. We all need it to survive and let’s be honest – we are all hungry for information. […] week 12:  3-d design thinking week 12: 3-d design thinking

This week was essentially the last class of 2010.  Evaluations were completed.  And each team presented their storyboards for the presentation next week.  As I said mid-way through: “Ron and I failed to explain storyboards well enough.” Most of the presentations were indeed that — skeletal presentations of what is to come next week. […]

The era of “digital habitats”

The era of “digital habitats”

Countless groups of every imaginable flavour, size and shape interact on-line every day and use plethora of different technologies and tools. Yes, we are officially living in the era of “digital habitats”. And as this is a short inside on how I got to learn more about them, do not be surprised by a large […] week 11: working towards the storyboard week 11: working towards the storyboard

It’s hard to believe that we have only two more sessions of the  This week we heard from our AMS/Pulse Energy group.  They are working with the company Pulse Energy — a young firm that is making great inroads into the area of energy management in buildings.  Our question is:  how do we […]

Students develop new products using design process

Students develop new products using design process

Although Tim Silk doesn’t explicitly teach design thinking, his new product development class certainly encompasses the concepts. Undergraduate students in his class spend the semester developing a new product from the ground up. First, they study why new products fail. “So many fail, not because they don’t provide a benefit, but because the need is […]

Embedding design thinking into the MBA core program

Embedding design thinking into the MBA core program

Steve Alisharan is sold on design thinking. The head of the MBA core program said that the framework not only excites him, but it also benefits Sauder’s students. “It helps them think a little bit more deeply and critically about business issues,” he said. But does design thinking apply to accounting, Alisharan’s specialty, finance and […]

Design thinking & marketing: a perfect combo

Design thinking & marketing: a perfect combo

Design thinking comes easily to Paul Cubbon. The marketing guru of the MBA core, Cubbon has always focused on consumer behavior. “Often the more innovative research is trying to uncover useful things that you didn’t even think to ask about,” he said. Embedding design thinking into the core gives him and the other professors a […]

Students say: “It’s a whole new way of thinking about things”

Students say: “It’s a whole new way of thinking about things”

Elsie Gitau When she graduates, B.Com student Elsie Gitau might work for her family business in Kenya. She decided to join the class to learn to think on her feet if she takes that route. “Problems arise all the time and you need to come up with ideas,” she said of the business back […]

Official launch at the Museum of Vancouver

Sauder’s officially launches the Community of Practice at an exciting event on December 1. Join us for an interactive evening where great minds will come together to discuss design thinking and business. Hosted at the Museum of Vancouver, the event will be a refreshing, interactive experience. You can look forward to an interactive exchange […]

Design thinking: a common language to discuss innovation

Design thinking: a common language to discuss innovation

“Too often, we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” – JFK “Everyone can be innovative so long as they know the process,” said MBA Core professor Daniel Skarlicki. Teaching that process is what the component of Sauder’s MBA program is all about. MBA students participated in Experience Point/IDEO’s Design Thinker […]