How Do I Think?!

I remember when I was in grade 8 in my English enriched classes with Mr. Gellard  and at the beginning of class he always required us to free-write for 15 minutes. Free-write?!!! I was confused and intimated by this concept that had the vague connotation of being able to write freely and in school (without being graded). I found it difficult back then (and still do now) to articulate my thoughts even verbally, and written was much harder task. But nevertheless I continued to keep writing despite not ever sharing much with my peers. Although when Mr. Gellard asked volunteers to read their work, I really enjoyed listening to others tell their stories. I would often go into another mindset as their words vividly manifested in my own head. I would build up visuals, start critiquing and letting my curiosity and interests build on one after the other. Even today I get caught up when I am listening to something engaging. I truth, I think while I listen. So if you catch me off in my own world, chances are, I probably am.

I feel a bit more reassured that my creative and business interests are able to work together after reading the reasoning behind the success of CAMP7 innovation.  Lookwood stated that the combination of “open-minded designers” and “thoughtful engineers” and their process of integrative thinking made it possible for them to innovate and design the best products. I am starting to wonder if I too am an integrative thinker?

In Pink’s piece, Frank Nuovo said, “ Design in its simplest form is the activity of creating solutions. Design is something that everyone does every day.” Reading this brought up several questions. Is everyone a designer then?  Why are some people more of a designer than others in today’s world? Is it the spread of wealth (democratization) that has allowed design to become more acceptable today? But there are still severe inequalities in many parts of the world and yet some of those places generate the most creative solutions?!

While reading Martin’s article I came across another article on the Internet that related the concept of the knowledge funnel to how people learn or want to learn. The article here explains this in more detail

My thinking works primarily though listening. The process I take to solving anything depends on what the problem is. Listening is what I do first. It is important for me to decide and understand which steps I need to take. Listening may not seem like a step but it is probably the most important one, as it will really affect the course of action I take.

Writing an essay I would always start with the question, however I often got lost in all the research material and lose focus and my thinking process would break down. Often when I cannot visualize whatever I am listening to reading is when my mind stops.  But I found if I create an outline (a very visual one with quotes) then it makes the process much easier.

Finally as a business student with a creative side I am happy to hear that design now becoming the competitive advantage for business because that opens up a world of job opportunities and a chance to make positive change.

2 responses to “How Do I Think?!”

  1. floringheorghe

    Great self awareness Sophia! I really like your philosophical take on Nuovo’s idea that everyone is a designer. In a way, what we traditionally thought of as design was more aesthetic, which perhaps was a luxury of the more affluent. Today, especially in, we talk about design being a way of creatively solving problems or creating something new (and disruptive) from the constraints which you are presented with. I completely agree with you that some of the most creative people are those from regions that are less affluent than we are today, and this is something I have seen first hand when working in Ghana. One thing that surprised me was people’s ability to make do with what they had around them, especially in an industrial sense. There is a great Economist article on frugal innovation and the Indian concept of “jugaad” .. Have a read, I think you will enjoy it! Thank you for sharing your reflection.

  2. skebede

    Thanks for your comment Florin! I’ll check out the article

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