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Reflection 5: My Thinking Retrospective

I just read my first reflection of the term to see if anything really stood out as having changed in my thinking process from then to now. It’s safe to say that learning about design thinking didn’t present me with any epiphanies. That isn’t to say my thinking processes haven’t been affected by my exposure […]

Mini-Assignment #2 – Prototyping

Mini-Assignment #2 – Prototyping

For my first mini assignment I decided to attend the City Studio Open House. It was an awesome event and I’d love to tell you more about it if you’re interested. This blog post is my second mini assignment – an example of how I utilized the ASK, TRY, DO process in a different […]

Reflection 5 – Thinking: It’s a vicious circle.

Reflection 5 – Thinking: It’s a vicious circle.

The Question How has my thinking process changed as a result of the D.Studio? The question seems easy, but its answer is far from clear. Unlike a lot of other people, I don’t generally think much about how I think, so to answer the question I will make use of a personality test and my […]

Mini-Assignment 1a – TED Talks – Dance vs. PowerPoint: A Modest Proposal

Mini-Assignment 1a – TED Talks – Dance vs. PowerPoint: A Modest Proposal

A modest proposal: creative, innovative, game-changing, and a design-thinkers utopia; but to a black hat thinker, a far-fetched fantasy. In his TED talk’s video, John Bohannon introduces a new way of presenting information, sharing scientific discoveries, and providing visual displays. The scientist and writer provides a visually appealing display to support his thesis. His proposal […]