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Reflection 5: Re-thinking my thinking process

Reflection 5: Re-thinking my thinking process

Compared to the beginning of the semester, my thinking process has changed for sure. It is hard for me to explain how though. But let’s give it a try. My first reflection was about the importance I grant to writing down my messy thoughts to make them clearer, but also to remember important ideas, to […]

Changing My Thinking Style

It has almost been thirteen weeks since I started Design Thinking at Sauder and I find it amazing how much more aware I am about how I think. When I started writing my first blog I had never thought about how I think before and it was an eye opener when I started analyzing my […]

Reflection 5: Reflections on Change

Reflection 5: Reflections on Change

Wow, time really flew by. This feels especially true with the D. Studio. I remember when I first walked through the glass doors and into the white and bright space- a little dazzled by Moura’s tall figure at the front of the class, her pantsuit, by the coloured name placards, and the squashy rolley chairs. […]