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Reflection 1: Thinking about Thinking

Reflection 1: Thinking about Thinking

I think on my way to school.  I think in the shower.  I think before I go to bed.  I am currently thinking as I jot down these realizations that have come to me after having given some thought to my thinking process.  I have never given much thought to the way I think before.  […]

Reflection 1 – Every Day I’m…Designing! (Ref: LMFAO Party Rock Anthem)

Reflection 1 – Every Day I’m…Designing! (Ref: LMFAO Party Rock Anthem)

Upon reading the excerpts of Lockwood, Pink & Martin, I confirmed that much of my thinking process is design based. I initially chose Commerce, specifically marketing, as my degree because I believed that my creative mind/alternative thinking process could generate new and innovative ideas in a typically structured industry. I am continually observing and am […] week 1 week 1

Launching the 2012 — COMM 486J for Sauder undergraduates.  In catch-up mode — it is week 3 and here I am just blogging about Week 1.  That’s what happens when you take 5 days out to go to Maui! This year it is exciting — we are occupying an actual studio space (albeit not […]

Lifestreams: Rethinking the Internet

Lifestreams: Rethinking the Internet

It might be time to rethink the way we organize digital media. Yale professor, author and conservative social critic David Gelernter believes that the way the internet is currently structured is impractical and chaotic. To him, the shapeless multitude of loosely connected files which makes up the web runs counter to the natural way we […]

Profit By Design Conference at Emily Carr

Profit By Design Conference at Emily Carr

Some of the leading brands and organizations from around the world will be coming to the heart of Vancouver to discuss creative-led innovation. Find out how design first strategies are profiting some of the foremost international businesses. From February 24th to 25th, Industry experts will present an exciting array of speakers, case-studies, panels, workshops and […]