Reflection 2: The Business Model Canvas
For sure, the Design Thinking Studio is one of the most interesting classes I will ever have the opportunity to attend during my studies. From both the in-class activities and the assignments I have done so far, I have learned that classes should be considered and set so that the students have to listen less, […]
Business Canvas Reflection
After reflecting on the business model canvas assignment my conclusion is that Elvis and I limited ourselves to the outline given to us. Specifically, we limited ourselves to the business model canvas and didn’t reach beyond observation and interpretation. The business model canvas is a great tool to initially analyze a business. I’ve recently used […]
Reflection 2 – Business Canvas: A Creative Prison
The business canvas was an interesting experience for multiple reasons. It not only challenged my personal means of operating, but it taught me several important lessons about the way I think and process projects. The following are observations that stood out to me through the entire process: I. Canvas as a Constraint: The business […]