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d-studio week 4:  integration in action

d-studio week 4: integration in action

Integration and collaboration are indeed possible to learn in an environment where students are encouraged to connect the dots amongst the various disciplines and pieces of information and insight that they accumulate over terms and years.  But we seem to have trouble setting up these types of environments for our students.  There are always demands […]

d-studio week 3:  What did you say?  What did you hear?

d-studio week 3: What did you say? What did you hear?

Can hardly believe we have had week 3 of the B.Com d-studio.   Week 3’s theme was around the critique — a common activity in any design studio. We had our usual warm-up time — this week it was around drawing insights, an exercise taken from Betty Edward’s book:  “Drawing on the Artist Within”.   […]

MBAs as Design Thinkers

MBAs as Design Thinkers

As part of the orientation for the full-time MBAs at the UBC Sauder School of Business the students and faculty participated in the Design Thinker Workshop. Design Thinker:Experience Innovation is a 3.5 hour workshop which is the product of a collaboration between Experience Point (HQ in Toronto) and  IDEO, a global innovation and design firm […]

What is the D-Studio initiative?

As I establish a rhythm of blogging it seems timely to provide a context for my various Fall 2010 activities:  What is the D-Studio initiative? My role at the UBC Sauder School of Business this fall is focused on implementing  the D-Studio.  We are appreciative of funding provided by  a UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement […]

d-studio week 2: so you think you can see?

One of the ways that design thinking adds value to business is the emphasis on observation and insight.  Generally, the observations and insights are about people. Yesterday’s d-studio focused on the students practicing seeing and then from their observations developing insights that assist in defining the problem or opportunity at hand. The challenge: In the […]

Seeing business opportunities…

Those of you who follow my blog on occasion know that I am a Monocle fan.  A special edition called MONOCLE MEDITERRANEO is out …a new venture …that incorporates both this super-premium newsprint edition and a weekly audio series. Just like the magazine Monocle, the sections are Affairs, Business, Culture, Design and Edits.  What caught […]

At Oxford's SAID Business School -- turning a classroom into a studio -- sort of!

The studio as a business learning environment…

As I prepare for the Bachelor of Commerce Sauder D-Studio  this Fall, it has been useful to ponder what is most important about this new offering at the Sauder School of Business.  Is it that we will be exploring how design thinking can value-add to business?  Or is it experimenting with a new learning environment […]

Reflections on studio learning…

As a product of design education, the learning environment I am most familiar with is the design studio.  Reflecting particularly on how I learned, it is clear that the studio experience had a profound influence on how I think and work. My memories of the studios that I have inhabited are diverse: The studio was […]

Creativity…its place in our learning environments

It has been stimulating to pay attention again to the design world  — and this time as it intersects with business.  So different media pieces now attract my attention.  My colleague and co-instructor in the upcoming B.Com Sauder D-Studio, Ron Kellett, drew my attention to a recent article in Newsweek — actually the front-page story: […]