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The students speak…Part 2

The students speak…Part 2

And here are some more quotes from d-studio student blogs… Emma: I was so glad that Elsie and I were first. We love talking and we work together like we are one person so the presentation aspect of the assignment was probably the easiest for us. It was awesome that we finished on time as […]

d-studio week 6:  the students speak part 1…

d-studio week 6: the students speak part 1…

We invited several guest critics to view the projects that the students prepared — a new or revised business model pitch and a headline/press release.  The critics were:  Ronna Chisholm:  Business Direction, Dossier Creative;  Don Chisholm: Creative Direction, Dossier Creative;  Kara Pecknold:  Olive Life Group;  Professor Darren Dahl:  Marketing, UBC Sauder School of Business;   Professor […]