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At Oxford's SAID Business School -- turning a classroom into a studio -- sort of!

The studio as a business learning environment…

As I prepare for the Bachelor of Commerce Sauder D-Studio  this Fall, it has been useful to ponder what is most important about this new offering at the Sauder School of Business.  Is it that we will be exploring how design thinking can value-add to business?  Or is it experimenting with a new learning environment […]

Reflections on studio learning…

As a product of design education, the learning environment I am most familiar with is the design studio.  Reflecting particularly on how I learned, it is clear that the studio experience had a profound influence on how I think and work. My memories of the studios that I have inhabited are diverse: The studio was […]

Creativity…its place in our learning environments

It has been stimulating to pay attention again to the design world  — and this time as it intersects with business.  So different media pieces now attract my attention.  My colleague and co-instructor in the upcoming B.Com Sauder D-Studio, Ron Kellett, drew my attention to a recent article in Newsweek — actually the front-page story: […]