d.studio week 10: improv hits the studio

Sometimes it is time to wing it.  To improvise.  And get the energy flowing.   This week in the studio Florin, our intrepid teaching assistant, took on the role of “improv” innovator.

He even got a bit academic:

Why improv?

When participants are able to break free from cognitive, emotional, and behavioural bounds of socially shared conceptions of what is possible, they generate novel and valuable solutions. Improv shares similar goals, challenges, and ways to resolve problems that block group effectiveness.

We experimented with a number of different improv exercises — like Vicious Circle — Description: Go in a circle, make a sound and an action. Everyone repeats until the end, then start a new action and sound.  Actually, I found that one quite difficult.

What I found interesting was the level of energy in the studio during the improv exercises.  It was great.  Then we slipped back into “review mode” — hearing from each group about their workshop designs.  And somehow the energy dropped and we all drooped (3:30pm in afternoon!).  So then we did more improv and we got energized again.  Something to remember.

The teams are working on their workshop designs for their businesses — it is proving to be somewhat challenging for some teams.  In some ways, I think that the greening processes are quite far advanced with some of the businesses and it makes it difficult to suggest new ideas.  This takes me into the realm of business model transformation so I am egging some of the teams on to do more than focus on greening.

Week 12 is a prototyping afternoon!

One response to “d.studio week 10: improv hits the studio”

  1. smoore

    Hi Moura!
    You’re absolutely right, getting up and improvising is a great way to energize the class and keep everyone on track. With a session that lasts three hours it is a difficult thing for everyone to stay focused. Improv and getting up and moving really helped us all. Can’t wait to do it again tomorrow!

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