Okay — let’s hear from all of you about what ideas we/you should implement for March 1. I have to send in a “proposal” by Tuesday at the latest. Thanks, Moura
I like a mix of most of them. I am biased in that i like the idea of my group. (the last photo). the paper cut outs of d.studio students in the process of “design thinking”. I like the idea of transforming peoples experiences once they enter the d.studio (either stepping through a box/gate). A video projecting on the screen would be nice too. We proposed a couple questions. This is also something we could put up on our website after.
I’d like something interactive, not sure if it could be something that people write/picture/view. A competition though may be too elaborate though if people are sort of wandering in and out.
It would be sweet if people could come away from the d.studio with an appreciation for design. So asking them to reflect on how design is incorporated into their lives/where it isn’t and how it can be?..
Like Sophia, I really enjoyed all the ideas. However, I’ll just list the ones I feel would be the best:
1. Polaroid camera -> Take a photo of the people who enter, and let them sign their photos. (could be used to decorate the studio for years to come!) Make them a part of the studio.
2. Cardboard cut-out. I really like this idea. I feel it would draw attention to the room.
3. “Thinking outside the Box” entrance. Large cardboard construction that would get people to walk through the ‘box’ and step into the real world.
4. Projectors should be playing movies/slideshows of ‘What we do in the Studio’. Possibly connect them to other universities across the world, maybe showing a lecture etc.
5. We need some sort of a food machine. (popcorn/cotton candy)
6. We need to create a ‘path’ through the room with several stations.
That’s it for my input, looking forward to it!
natashafenleeFebruary 6, 2012 at 5:14 pmPermalink | Reply
I also like a combination of all the groups’ ideas –
1) I think one of the things we should emphasize is that when one steps into the d.studio, it is different than from any other part of the Sauder building. Thus, erecting some kind of partition to distinguish between “the studio” and the rest of the building should be put up.
2)I like one of the group’s ideas of the station where we “suit up” gingerbread men because it gives the chance for visitors to participate within the studio and also take with them something from it. It also incorporates a fun, design element that is sorely missing from many of our classes!
3)I am also biased in that I prefer my group’s idea re: use of the TV where we interview d.studio students asking them the questions that showcase our international exposure and also provides our guests an opportunity to have a quick introduction to us. Our proposed questions are in the second last photo, but here they are again
– How does design thinking change your perspective on business?
– How will you apply what you have learned in this course to your future endeavours?
– How does this course apply to Sauder’s global perspective?
That’s my input! Can’t wait to see what the actual proposal will be.
my group’s idea (first picture) was to allow the visitors to experience what we do in class by turning the pods into different stations (ask, try, do stations)and having them go through each station in order to either a)solve a business problem or b) create a card/gift for Sauder. We also wanted get video clips from business schools and/or business professionals from around the world explaining what Design means to them and play them on the front screen.
Like Sophia, I like a mix of the ideas. I definitely like the video; I think it’ll be interesting to get other people’s perspectives on design and we’ll be able to tie in the global theme through the video clips. I also like the paper cutout idea. It’s simple but fun and effective. It’ll be easy to set up and we probably won’t have to worry about the space becoming too crowded or hectic because most people will do a quick walk through and leave. and lastly, I think it’d be cool to have a wall where the visitors can leave a message. I think my group talked about writing “Design is…” on one of the whiteboards and letting people fill in the blank and get creative.
I also liked a mixed of the ideas and favorites are:
– people cut outs (also good to place in hallways leading up to the room)
– stepping out of the box as you enter into the room
– Video projecting on the screen with interviews about Design ( from students, instructors, our CEOs? )
– photo-booth/Polaroid idea
– Having a wall/area for visitors to leave behind “What design means to me” “Design is…”
– have a small interactive way for the visitors to get into the Ask, Try, Do design process (have a small activity that takes them through the steps?)
– have the room decorated as a celebration
I love the idea of the video of student interviews streaming, as proposed by Sophia’s group. I also like the idea of making people walk “out of the box” as they enter the room. Having another “eye catcher” with the idea we proposed of “What is a Design Student” and “What is a Sauderite” then “Welcome to the Best of Both Worlds” could also work in addition to the box idea.
In a similar fashion as the popcorn / cotton candy idea, engaging people by having them decorate a Sauder Person could be a fun physical “take away”
No matter what, I would like the room to be filled with colour and energy. Quotes about design and design thinking could be around the walls, adding colour and visual appeal.
I also love the idea of **illustrating** the difference between a typical Sauderite and a design thinker with the competition that encourages teams to work together, without telling them to.
I think there were a lot of similarities in people’s ideas, so to combine a number of the great parts would make an ideal presentation!
Okay — let’s hear from all of you about what ideas we/you should implement for March 1. I have to send in a “proposal” by Tuesday at the latest. Thanks, Moura
I like a mix of most of them. I am biased in that i like the idea of my group. (the last photo). the paper cut outs of d.studio students in the process of “design thinking”. I like the idea of transforming peoples experiences once they enter the d.studio (either stepping through a box/gate). A video projecting on the screen would be nice too. We proposed a couple questions. This is also something we could put up on our website after.
I’d like something interactive, not sure if it could be something that people write/picture/view. A competition though may be too elaborate though if people are sort of wandering in and out.
It would be sweet if people could come away from the d.studio with an appreciation for design. So asking them to reflect on how design is incorporated into their lives/where it isn’t and how it can be?..
Hi all,
Like Sophia, I really enjoyed all the ideas. However, I’ll just list the ones I feel would be the best:
1. Polaroid camera -> Take a photo of the people who enter, and let them sign their photos. (could be used to decorate the studio for years to come!) Make them a part of the studio.
2. Cardboard cut-out. I really like this idea. I feel it would draw attention to the room.
3. “Thinking outside the Box” entrance. Large cardboard construction that would get people to walk through the ‘box’ and step into the real world.
4. Projectors should be playing movies/slideshows of ‘What we do in the Studio’. Possibly connect them to other universities across the world, maybe showing a lecture etc.
5. We need some sort of a food machine. (popcorn/cotton candy)
6. We need to create a ‘path’ through the room with several stations.
That’s it for my input, looking forward to it!
I also like a combination of all the groups’ ideas –
1) I think one of the things we should emphasize is that when one steps into the d.studio, it is different than from any other part of the Sauder building. Thus, erecting some kind of partition to distinguish between “the studio” and the rest of the building should be put up.
2)I like one of the group’s ideas of the station where we “suit up” gingerbread men because it gives the chance for visitors to participate within the studio and also take with them something from it. It also incorporates a fun, design element that is sorely missing from many of our classes!
3)I am also biased in that I prefer my group’s idea re: use of the TV where we interview d.studio students asking them the questions that showcase our international exposure and also provides our guests an opportunity to have a quick introduction to us. Our proposed questions are in the second last photo, but here they are again
– How does design thinking change your perspective on business?
– How will you apply what you have learned in this course to your future endeavours?
– How does this course apply to Sauder’s global perspective?
That’s my input! Can’t wait to see what the actual proposal will be.
my group’s idea (first picture) was to allow the visitors to experience what we do in class by turning the pods into different stations (ask, try, do stations)and having them go through each station in order to either a)solve a business problem or b) create a card/gift for Sauder. We also wanted get video clips from business schools and/or business professionals from around the world explaining what Design means to them and play them on the front screen.
Like Sophia, I like a mix of the ideas. I definitely like the video; I think it’ll be interesting to get other people’s perspectives on design and we’ll be able to tie in the global theme through the video clips. I also like the paper cutout idea. It’s simple but fun and effective. It’ll be easy to set up and we probably won’t have to worry about the space becoming too crowded or hectic because most people will do a quick walk through and leave. and lastly, I think it’d be cool to have a wall where the visitors can leave a message. I think my group talked about writing “Design is…” on one of the whiteboards and letting people fill in the blank and get creative.
At last! Soenome with real expertise gives us the answer. Thanks!
I also liked a mixed of the ideas and favorites are:
– people cut outs (also good to place in hallways leading up to the room)
– stepping out of the box as you enter into the room
– Video projecting on the screen with interviews about Design ( from students, instructors, our CEOs? )
– photo-booth/Polaroid idea
– Having a wall/area for visitors to leave behind “What design means to me” “Design is…”
– have a small interactive way for the visitors to get into the Ask, Try, Do design process (have a small activity that takes them through the steps?)
– have the room decorated as a celebration
I love the idea of the video of student interviews streaming, as proposed by Sophia’s group. I also like the idea of making people walk “out of the box” as they enter the room. Having another “eye catcher” with the idea we proposed of “What is a Design Student” and “What is a Sauderite” then “Welcome to the Best of Both Worlds” could also work in addition to the box idea.
In a similar fashion as the popcorn / cotton candy idea, engaging people by having them decorate a Sauder Person could be a fun physical “take away”
No matter what, I would like the room to be filled with colour and energy. Quotes about design and design thinking could be around the walls, adding colour and visual appeal.
I also love the idea of **illustrating** the difference between a typical Sauderite and a design thinker with the competition that encourages teams to work together, without telling them to.
I think there were a lot of similarities in people’s ideas, so to combine a number of the great parts would make an ideal presentation!